Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Stream of Consciousness 9

There have been thoughts swirling around my mind so here they are:

First of all, I'm getting tired of people making a gun with their hands and pretending to shoot themselves whenever they're slightly upset or angry. Suicide is not something to take lightly. I know a lot of people who do this all the time and it has just recently started bothering me, so I will probably be telling you this next time I see you do it.

Second, I think it's sad that so many words have lost their meaning. Or their meaning has become less profound. Words such as "awesome" and "hate."
We use "awesome" to describe anything from God, the creator of the universe, to the taco we had for dinner last night.
"Hate" is used to describe an actual intense and passionate loathing and also a vague disliking of something.

Third, it's the end of the school year (almost) and I am so ready to be on Summer vacation...

Fourth, I hate it when people rag on fiction books as if they can't teach you anything. I swear the best fiction books cause you to think about things. Harry Potter, any John Green book, Divergent, The Hunger Games. Just because the book isn't packed full of facts and ideas doesn't mean that it's useless. I understand you might prefer nonfiction. And I'm okay with that. I really am. I think nonfiction books are very educational. I just find them boring. In the same way that someone who enjoys nonfiction might find the ridiculous adventures of a hobbit to be a snooze-fest.
Just don't go telling me fiction is useless.

Sixth, I am about fed up with the internet. (She says on the internet.) Social networking as turned all of us into narcissistic cowards with a self-esteem problem. 

Seventh, I just finished reading "An Abundance of Katherines." Great book. Everyone go and read it right now. Well, it got me thinking about my fourth point up there. I want to write something that actually means something. Something that isn't just some dumb story, you know? And it's really hard for me to come up with an idea that I think is worth sharing and then also coming up with a story to properly communicate is.
Or just coming up with a story that is worthwhile....
So, I have put the editing of my National Novel Writing Month novel on hold until I can come up with a way to make it worth reading. :)

And I guess that's the end. I could go one for forever but no one wants to read that.

Much love,
Amanda <3

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