Sunday, June 30, 2013

Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better

Now that the first blog post is out of the way, time to start the actual blog. :D

Okay so, one thing I've noticed lately in the world is we're always trying to "out do"  each other. Someone says something funny, everyone laughs. Another person says something else in an effort to be funnier than the last person. Someone does something awesome. Another person does something more awesome in an effort to be better than the first guy. And GOSH it's annoying. I mean, I'm not saying I've never tried to be better than anyone, or wanted to one-up someone I was jealous of. But when other people do it (especially if I'm the person they out-do) I get so annoyed. And it's happened to everyone, too.

But there's one thing especially that I've noticed lately. Complaining. Now, I complain all the time. And I'm honestly trying to stop it. Because complainers wear out the people around them. But it's like when someone tells us about their problems we can't just empathize and comfort, we have to say "You think YOU have it bad. Boy, listen to what happened to ME."
Someone who can lay all their problems aside and listen to me when I'm hurting without trying to be more pitiful is one of the best qualities I could ask for in a friend. And I hope I can be that person to my friends.

Back to "out-doing" people. What's the deal with that? It sucks when someone takes your spotlight, so why try and take someone else's? It's just mean. Like I said before, I admit that I've totally tried to do it before. But when I really look at it, when I examine my motives, not only am I doing it so that I get more attention, it's so the other person doesn't get the attention they were trying to get. That's called envy. Envy is dangerous and can devour a person's soul and consume all their thoughts. Don't envy what another person has. It's bad news, people.

Bottom line: Everyone's always trying to get more attention, to be the best person, or to take away everyone else's spotlight and put it on them. And it's mean. It's a good way to lose friends, too. So next time someone shares an accomplishment of theirs, be happy for them. And when someone shares  struggle in their life, sympathize and be there for them. People will like being around you way more.
This song. Listen to it.

Much Love,
Amanda. <3

Thursday, June 27, 2013

First Blog Post! Yaay!!

So... First blog post, huh? Kind of awkward....
I've never done one of these before. Should I start by talking about myself? Sure. Why not..

My name's Amanda, I'm a Christian teenager who has a passion for writing and reading. (Seriously, it's like my life). I listen to music a lot. But I'm usually pretty picky about what music I listen to.
My all time favorite bands are (In no particular order) Thousand Foot Krutch, RED, and Switchfoot. But I also quite enjoy the Jonas Brothers.
My favortie books are the books in the Inheritance series. (By Christopher Paolini. You should check them out if you like fantasy and dragons and such.)
I'm homeschooled. Kind of. I attend a school two days a week. My friends are really important to me. If you mess with them you mess with me.  

I started this blog because, well, I wanted to. I have thoughts. (Yes. Teenagers DO have thoughts.) And I want to get them out somewhere. People may never read this blog. So be it. But if you do, I hope you like what you read. If not, then find another blog to read.

I grew up in a Christian home, and I've had a pretty good life. My parents are still married and they provide for my and my older brother. I want to go into youth ministry when I grow up. My youth leaders have had a huge impact on my life.

I think top hats are the best thing since sliced bread. Also, they're pretty much the only thing I can draw semi-okay.

This blog will really just be my thoughts about things that happen in life. (Hence the title.) So. Yeah. Bye!

Much Love,