Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Short Thing about Homosexuality

It's been a while. I've been thinking of some stuff. Here we go.

Something needs to be said about homosexuality. I know so much has already been said, but I feel like someone needs to speak up for the Christians that don't hate the homosexuals. They don't believe homosexuals are going to Hell because of homosexuality. Here's the thing, I, along with the majority of Christians I've talked to about this, believe that everyone, gay or straight, will go to Hell unless they've professed faith in Christ. And that's because of sin. I'm just as nasty of a person as the gay guy down the street. And he's probably a pleasant person to be around. What I'm trying to say is homosexuals aren't worse than anyone else.
I mean yeah, homosexuality is a sin whether they were born that way or not. I don't think there's anyway to look at the Scriptures and decide anything different.( I don't want to talk about that here, though. But I will if you ask me.)
HOWEVER, if you're not a Christian, I am not going to expect you to act like a Christian should. I'm not going to throw my Bible verses at you unless you've expressed to me that you're a Christian. And even then, it'd be rude to just rant about it.

I just feel like someone has to say that some people out there do not support homosexuality but don't despise them nor would they treat them differently.

Love is something that has not been portrayed by the media and that really makes me mad. Now, I don't know how the majority of the homosexuals are because I've only seen what's portrayed by the media. And if it's anything close to the inaccuracy of the portrayal of Christians, then it's pretty bad.

So, if you're gay don't be afraid to tell me. I can't speak for all the Christians out there. But we're not all like you see on the news. :)
Let me know what you think about all this, too.

Much love,
Amanda <3

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